Who We Help
Amelia’s story
By the age of six, Amelia’s home life had significantly deteriorated. Her father, suffering from poor mental health and drinking too much alcohol, had become violent. Authorities removed Amelia from her home and placed her with unknown foster carers, it did not seem possible for the father’s health to improve enough for him to care for Amelia. With such a traumatic disruption in her life, Amelia’s social worker was keen to find other family members to care for her.
With the help of CFAB, Amelia’s mother was located over 10,000 miles away in New Zealand. After a thorough investigation of the mother, her mental and physical health, whether her new family would accept Amelia and their financial situation, CFAB recommended Amelia join her mother, new step-father and new half-brother. CFAB also recommended the UK social worker regularly follow up with Amelia, given her distressing history and new environment. This follow up helped identify early signs of strain and prevent family breakdown, and gave Amelia the best chance of settling into her new family life abroad.