Our Pre-Payment Scheme
CFAB is a registered charity (no. 1085541).
While we are very grateful to receive support from Government Departments, Trusts and Foundations and private individuals, many of our services receive no dedicated funding and as such, fees will be charged to cover our costs. As a charity, we never make a profit on our services.
Pre-Payment Scheme
We also offer a pre-payment scheme to local authorities who have a high demand for advice and assistance, on cross border cases involving vulnerable children.
An annual sign-up is covered by one purchase order, so there are no administrative delays for social workers on urgent cases and we can begin the work with our partners immediately. You will also receive 20-30% discounts on CFAB's training.
Local authorities can choose the option of a 1, 2 or 3 year agreement with CFAB. The two and three year options have been created to offer the flexibility of service usage across a longer period. It’s difficult, if not impossible, for local authorities to forecast when and how many cases they will receive in any period. So the multi-year options offer the security, that the maximum service usage will be attained during the membership period.
To learn more, please email us at info@cfab.org.uk and take a look at our fees list for more information on pricing.
For details of our current fees and available services, please call our Advice Line.