



CFAB’s reports provide in-depth research and analysis to evidence the need for our work and the need for international kinship care guidance. We are grateful to our supporters who recognise the importance of funding an evidence-based approach.

The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation is one such supporter. CFAB will continue working hard with our partners, both in the UK and internationally, to understand how we may better support the needs of child protection and social service professionals.


Child Protection Failures: Why Migration Trends Necessitate a Change in Family Approaches 
An article examining the growing evidence of bias against non-native British families within English social services, highlighting some of the failures in current practice to account for diverse cultural norms, leading to misinterpretations, missed risks, and inadequate support, potentially exacerbating existing inequalities. The paper draws on quantitative data from primary and secondary research, as well as qualitative data from frontline professionals, highlighting specific challenges faced by non-native families. It also examines existing regulations and guidance, which are found to be insufficient in equipping social workers with the necessary skills and tools for culturally sensitive practice. The authors propose solutions for more equitable and effective child protection and support for families, regardless of their cultural background. By Michael Nwoye, UK and Nigeria qualified Social Worker, and Carolyn Housman, CEO of Children and Families Across Borders.
Freedom of Information Request Findings for Looked After Children, 2024
This report examines the findings of our 2020-2022 Freedom of Information requests to local authorities in the UK regarding the nationality and citizenship of children in care and the number of Looked After Children who were either placed or had placements considered with family members overseas.
Freedom of Information Request Findings on Looked After Children and International Placements, 2022
This report investigates the latest data surrounding children placed with family abroad. This focuses on rates of international placements for Looked After Children, how frequently international placements are explored, and what types of placements are used when placing Looked After Children overseas.
Freedom of Information Request Findings about Overseas Placements, 2018
This article, written by CFAB's CEO, Carolyn Housman, was published in Community Care in 2020 to talk about the findings of our 2015-2017 Freedom of Information requests regarding the number of Looked After children local authorities either placed or exploring placing with family members abroad.
Survey for Kinship Care Organisations on their Support for Ethnic Minority Communities
This survey was designed to understand the support offered by kinship organisations and the challenges they face when providing services to different ethnic minority communities.
Minimising Placement Breakdown in International Family Placements
This report outlines the challenges and risks in international placements and how to minimise the risk of placement breakdown. Funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.
Safeguarding Children in Need of Protection Who Travel Abroad
This report explores outcomes for children travelling abroad, the challenges in ensuring their welfare, and identifies effective Practice. Funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.
Cross Border Child Safeguarding
This report sets out the findings of a study on cross-border children and families' cases, an under-researched aspect of social work with children and families. Funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

Read further guidance on international child protection issues here.