Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 15:30
Factsheets and Videos
These resources are intended to assist anyone working with children in an international context, including social workers, lawyers or policy makers.
Cross-Border Child Placement - Article 33 Hague 1996
An explanation of the operation of Article 33 of the 1996 Hague Convention, which applies to where authorities in one contraction state place a child in another contracting state.
DownloadISS Factsheet - Ukraine Crisis and International Standards
This document provides guidance on how to apply international standards when working with children and their families impacted by the crisis in Ukraine.
DownloadCFAB's Age Assessment Policy
A document outlining CFAB's position on age assessments of children.
DownloadUK Social Workers Practicing Overseas
This factsheet addresses the challenges and provides effective solutions for UK social workers travelling abroad to complete casework and family assessments.
DownloadPlacing Children with Family Overseas
This deals with the particular challenges of placing children with family overseas and provides practical advice for professionals.
DownloadPlacing Children in Non-Contracting States to Hague 1996
This is intended to assist with planning for a child with international connections to live with extended family overseas, in a country which is not a Contracting State to the 1996 Hague Convention.
DownloadInternational Child Protection
This factsheet outlines good practice and essential resources for social workers in international child protection cases. It highlights some particularly challenging issues, such as child trafficking and female genital mutilation, which social workers might encounter when working with a child who has moved across international borders.
DownloadFamilies Fleeing Overseas
This factsheet is designed to help professionals take effective courses of action when they are working with a child in need of protection who travels, or is at risk of travelling, abroad, either in a planned or unplanned manner.
DownloadISS Factsheet - 1996 Hague Convention
This is a guide to cross border casework in 1996 Hague Convention matters. It covers jurisdiction; applicable law; recognition; enforcement and co-operation in respect of parental responsibility; measures for the protection of children; and the importance of co-operation, especially between central authorities.
DownloadISS Factsheet - Surrogacy
Over the past three decades, surrogacy has become an increasingly popular method of alternative reproductive technology. It is, however, a practice that raises a number of human rights, ethical and legal questions. This highlights best practice for social workers.
DownloadISS Factsheet - Kafala
Kafala is a child protection measure, prevalent in Islamic legal countries, which can be of a formal (involving a competent body) or informal nature. This outlines the principles that ensure that kafala is in a child’s best interests, both domestically and internationally.
DownloadISS Factsheet - International Kinship Care
This factsheet offers essential Kinship advice for social workers and over the principles, working methods, and services offered on Kinship care.