Family for Every Child Webinar - Supporting Kinship Care Across Borders and During Crisis

14 March 2023

As part of their wider work developing global inter-agency guidance on kinship care, Family for Every Child are running a series of webinars on kinship care in the upcoming weeks, which promise to be insightful and very relevant to our current global landscape.  

Their next webinar will include our CEO Carolyn Housman as a speaker on the panel, alongside Rima Mohsen from Save the Children Lebanon and Frances Edwards from the Family Rights Group. The webinar will be exploring the importance of kinship care during emergencies and crisis periods, and ways in which we can support and advocate for kinship care during these times. The discussion will be examining the support needs of Ukranian refugees in kinship care in the UK, as well as a broader conversation about cross-border placements in kinship care, with examples from the UK showing how these placements can be effectively explored.

With the UK government’s recent care review affirming the importance of family-like kinship placements, and ongoing emergencies across the world, this webinar comes at an important time to collectively discuss the best ways of protecting children and reuniting them with family across borders and during crises. If this sounds of interest to you, be sure to sign up and send to anyone who may also be interested.

The webinar will be held next week, on the 29th of March, at 13:00-15:30 (GMT). For details on how to register for the webinar, please click here.