CFAB's Cross Border Child Safeguarding Working Group
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CFAB's Cross Border Child Safeguarding Working Group




CFAB’s CEO is the Chair of the Cross Border Child Safeguarding Working Group (CBCS WG). Through this group, we provide a forum where cross-sector representatives can share information on emerging issues related to international child protection and discuss solutions to practical challenges. This group discusses topical and emerging themes in cross-border child safeguarding including (but not limited to) adoption, kinship care, refugees/unaccompanied minors and abduction.

The working group:

  • Promotes better information sharing and cooperation of agencies involved in cross-border child safeguarding cases;
  • Identifies issues of common interest where joint action can be taken to implement better safeguarding practice and policies;
  • Brings together examples of good practice for dissemination;
  • Helps to identify solutions to issues highlighted and identify changes which may be required to policy, legislation and in the recruitment, training and guidance issued to social workers and other child protection practitioners.

Helps to identify solutions to issues highlighted and identify changes which may be required to policy, legislation and in the recruitment, training and guidance issued to social workers and other child protection practitioners.

In collaboration with the CBCS WG, a number of government departments, child protection agencies, and local authority social workers, CFAB produced the International Kinship Care Guide. This is the first of its kind guide to comprehensively address good practice for placing Looked After Children currently in care in the UK with family who live in another country. To read the guide, click here.

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