Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion



Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at CFAB

As a cross-border, cross-culture children’s charity, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion is at the heart of what we do.  We are committed to fostering a workplace that promotes mutual respect and allows equal opportunity for all. We are committed to removing real and perceived barriers, valuing everybody who works for, volunteers with, supports or benefits from our work. We are committed to creating a society that respects and values individuality and difference. We see this every day in our work across 130 different countries, and we know how important it is to support inclusivity to avoid miscommunications, misunderstandings and misinterpretation across different languages, cultures and backgrounds.

As a result, we have set out our plan for fostering greater inclusion within CFAB and with those with whom we work.  Our commitment to understanding and breaking down systemic and institutional barriers and creating an equal and fair society must start with us.

Our work in this area is guided by three principles:

1. Transparency - we will share our diversity data in relation to our workforce.

2. Accountability – we are committed to getting this right and learning from any mistakes we make along the way.

3. Partnership – we will work with our staff and peer organisations to share and learn from experiences.

Results of our 2024 Diversity Monitoring Survey

As part of our efforts to create a diverse workforce, each year we ask our staff and trustees to complete a survey to give us better understanding of our organisation and identify opportunities for improvement.

Our 2024 survey results highlighted that CFAB is a diverse organisation, with many of our measures higher than national averages.

• 100% of CFAB’s Senior Management Team are female which illustrates that gender isn’t a barrier for progression. We’re proud to be well above the national average of 30%.

• CFAB has a diverse team; we currently have 24% Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff, significantly above the national average of 18%.

• Cultural diversity and experience abroad are important to our charitable mission, and we’re delighted to have 24% foreign-born staff and 55% foreign-born trustees, once again significantly above the national average of 19%.

•50% of staff and trustees have primary caring responsibilities and 41% of staff are female primary carers. We are very proud to support this and to promote women in the workplace.

Despite these positive results, we will continue to actively champion diversity and inclusion at every level of CFAB. One area in which we are actively focusing upon is involving more people with direct experience of our work. Within our recruitment, we are actively seeking applicants from diverse backgrounds and with lived experience to ensure that our services reflect the needs of our beneficiaries.


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